Bikes, Trucks, Cars & Caravans Fabric

Bikes, Trucks, Cars & Caravans Fabric


  • debbie smith

    hi my name is debbie smith,ibought some caravan fabric from you about a month ago called
    happy trails and i was wondering if i could get 2 1/2 mtrs from you phn 0351443043

    • hubsite

      sorry, I do not have any of this left, but trying to get more in. Keep a look out, thanks for the enquiry.

  • Marlene Strudwick

    Hi. I am looking to buy the black Harley fabric panel that is advertised in the latest Patchwork & Quilting. I have had a look on your site but did not see it. Is it still available?. T.I.A.

  • Marlene Strudwick

    Thanks for getting back to me. Will you be getting that particular one in again,or can you order one in?

  • Verla Parker

    I saw the Vintage Utes Pickup Trucks cotton quilt panel with your website attached. There were some listed on e-bay but apparently, they have all sold. I really need one of these panels to make a quilt for a great-grand son due in January. His grandad, my son, retired from GM so they are all into Chevrolets and this would be ideal for the quilt I want to make for the new arrival. There are six trucks on the panel, 2 blue, 2 red, 1 black and 1 yellow and, from what I can tell, they all appear to be Chevrolets. Please tell me you have one or that you can get one!! Thank you

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