Patchwork Quilting Fabric Aboriginal Bush Berry Blue 50x55cm FQ


18 in stock


Patchwork Quilting Fabric Aboriginal Bush Berry Blue 50x55cm FQ


Manufacturer:  M&S TEXTILES. 

This fabric is a genuine aboriginal designed authentic fabric.  The story of the design is as below

Marlene is a very soft speaker. Her artworks are widely sold. Alice spring is a semi-desert area. However, wild bush berries grow heavily after the rain. Flowers blossom almost everywhere. Marlene could not go past without depicting beautiful wild bush berry’s after the rain. It is a beautiful piece of work. Marlene is a well-known Aboriginal artist in NT.

Green and Brown berry’s grow in water-soaked mud street sides etc are shown in this masterpiece. In winter, rainfall is heavy and bush berries grow in almost every area.

Size:  This is sold as a fat quarter or 50 x 55cm, if you want more please see the table below for bigger sizes

We Cut all of our Fabric straight off The Roll, Purchase More Than One Fat Quarter And Your Fabric Will Be Sent in One Continuous Piece.

This 100% Cotton fabric is suitable for all of your purposes. You could make anything from Quilts, dolls, curtains, clothes, cushions, Craft projects or just about anything our heart desires.
This particular fabric is being sold as a Fat Quarter.

What is that?

A Fat Quarter or FQ, is a quilting term for a quarter of a meter and in Australia measures approx 50 x 55cm (20 x 22inches). See table below.


 But What if I need more than a Fat Quarter?

Well that is no problem.  As you can see from the table above, we sell this fabric by all sizes.  Just find the size you are wanting from the list on the left hand side of the above table, and it will tell you the corresponding quantity to put into the quantity box.

Eg for 2.5 meters or 250cm put in 10 into the quantity box, for half a meter put in 2 and for 1m or 100cm put in 4 and so on.

The price is the current price x the quantity.  Please remember that this price also includes postage within Australia.

For our USA customers.  1 yard is just under 100cm.  So if you are wanting 1 yard, please put in 4 into the quantity box.

We are a registered quilting shop in Qld, Australia, and we Cut all of our Fabric straight off the Roll, Purchase More Than One Fat Quarter and your Fabric will be sent as a Continuous Piece.


Additional information

Somethingscountry Quilting Fabric

Australian Themed